18 april 2010

Setlist och rapporter från Soundgardens återföreningsgig!

Ett av världens bästa band, Soundgarden, spelade sitt första gig sedan de har återförenats i fredags på ett ställe i Seattle. 1000 pers var närvarande och en rapport låter såhär:

"It’d been 13 years since they last played a show, and they totally killed it. Appearing (anagram alert) as Nudedragons, they were loud, dark, hard and even still a little dangerous sounding. All four band members—guitarist Kim Thayil, bassist Ben Shepard, drummer Matt Cameron, and frontman Chris Cornell—brought their A games and tore the roof off of Seattle’s best live music venue, The Showbox.

They ran through an 18-song setlist that covered just a few hits, and fortunately for the crowd who was very familiar with the band’s music, some deeper album cuts and a few rare tracks, ending with a cover of the Door’s “Waiting for the Sun.”

Cornell sounded as great as ever, hitting all the high notes and sustaining his incredible screams longer than I can hold my breathe. But it was the thundering bass, huge and hard drums and mammoth heavy rifts from Thayil’s guitar that really made Soundgarden what is was and it was no different last night. It made it easy to forget Cornell’s recent lame solo albums, and made me hope the band really does record a new album, but one with the riff heavy rock of earlier Soundgarden and not the pop ’sensitivity’ of Cornell’s recent solo efforts."

Detta låter ju lovande och coolt som fan.

Här är låtlistan:

Searching With My Good Eye Closed
Rusty Cage
Beyond the Wheel
Ugly Truth
Fell on Black Days
Hunted Down
Nothing to Say
Loud Love
Blow Up The Outside World
Pretty Noose
Slaves and Bulldozers


Get On The Snake
Big Dumb Sex
Waiting for the Sun

Cool som jag är har jag även gjort en Spotify-playlist med dessa låtar:

Och är är lite fler länkar om spektaklet:



Och coolt som fan att se Chris Cornell spela gitarr igen på bilden nedan.


3 kommentarer:

  1. Här kan man lyssna på hela konserten!

  2. Cornell låter ändå lite mesigare nu än han gjorde förut...


  3. Chris old school-skriker som fna på på Beyond The Wheel.
